Computer Labs

Computer labs in ICT Centre are available for both staff and students. ICT Centre supports over 200 computers in 6 labs. All these computers are set up with a standard build that offers access to the latest key software packages and services.

Availability of computer labs

Lab facilities are available for both staff and students every Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m (this time can be changed). When the labs are free or not having lectures or any workshops students can use the computers for their educational purposes.

How to log in to the computer

You can use your own username (Kelani Net ID) and password (Kelani Net Password) to log in to the computers. Once the work has finished students must sign out from the computer using the sign-out option in the start menu.

How to request software

If any staff member wants to install a special software he/she must request it from the technical officers in ICT Centre.

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